Monday, May 19, 2014

Bumped to First Class

Bumped to First Class

I was traveling recently , as I often do, from Atlanta to BWI airport to spend as much time as possible with my two children who unfortunately live in Laurel, Maryland now with their mother who quit her job in Atlanta and moved them hundreds and hundreds of miles away from their father to be closer to her mother and father. I miss my children like air (as Robin Williams so eloquently expressed in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire when he played a divorced dad who in a desperate attempt to spend time with his children dressed up as an old British woman so he could be nanny to his children). "I can't live without air ", he told the judge. "And I can't live without my children." I try not to cry when I watch that movie but I almost always do. Now that I find myself in the most unenviable position of being separated from my kids, that movie isn't as funny as it once seemed when I watched as a single man attending Morehouse College. Life has a way of throwing you curve balls. Something can seem to be the best decision you've ever made (coming out of the pitchers hand) and then suddenly reveal itself as being your worst choice ever but only after you've swung your bat!

Even worse than the shame and hurt I experienced striking out in my marriage and announcing our divorce (especially while being a pastor) to my congregation in 2009, is the daily condemnation I fight now because since the summer of 2013, I dont see my son and daughter every day of their life. I wonder if you know what I mean or have ever felt that way?

Condemnation seeks to make you feel unworthy, a "second class saint" in the family of God. You're not! Condemnation has the same demonic intent whether it comes from others who feel they can sit in judgement of you (as though from the very seat of God they have looked low and know what you have been through) or whether condemnation comes from within- you're condeming (which means to throw away someone as disqualified and having no further value) yourself. I want to encourage you and myself today, that in Christ Jesus, you are not condemed! You, despite your errors, mistakes or sins are forgiven and a child of God through His finished work on the cross! Dont beat yourself up nor let others beat on your esteem and please, if it applies to you, get out of the judgement seat of God in your own mind. Don't beat up on people. There are no second class saints or people in the sight of God!

I was reminded by God of this truth again that day when I was traveling to BWI to see my children. I dont know why but one of the Delta attendants that I had the privlege to speak with that morning must have bumped me from coach to first-class! I may never know who did it without telling me they did it or why I was bumped to first-class. They didn't have to do it. There were plenty of seats in coach. I certainly didn't pay for an upgrade but I guess someone decided that day, "This genleman is riding in first-class!" Likewise, today I want you to know with confidence that Jesus Christ has paid for your upgrade. You and I will never fully understand on this side how much or why He loves us. But I encourage you to just rejoice that He does and never live beneath the first-class child of God that you are. Enjoy your flight!

Romans 8:1 inspired this blog post and I hope it inspires you too!

Blessings to you, 

Dr. Charles H. Jackson Sr 
"Dr. J"